Focused sales training

Customised to your business needs

We supply bespoke sales training and development programmes to suit your industry and boost your business.

Customised sales training & development

For sales teams, one size does not fit all. We don’t believe in ‘Off The Shelf’ sales training to develop sales people, as most are individuals who believe they know best! Simply sitting through a presentation will not encourage change in practices. Our customized, straightforward and highly interactive training sessions ensure we are successful.

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Sales Programmes to Maximise your profit

We will not develop any workshops simply to tick a box to say it has been completed, or to have a warm and fuzzy session that was 'fun to have a day away form work'. Our enjoyable sales workshops will always be developed with an increase in revenue top of mind.

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With MaxSale Solutions You Get More Than Any
Other Sales Training Provider at no extra cost

  Most Other Training Providers
Analysis of current business
Experienced sales specialist trainers
Identify skills gaps
Tailor made sales training programs
Customised role plays and learning exercises
Sales Management Training Programs
Guaranteed results or no invoice

Our unique Sales Training Programmes

Our 12 week sales training and development programme that will change the way your sales people go about the business of selling. The programme includes:

Development of your own clear sales process.

Sales opportunity management software to provide everything needed to manage sales.

A tailored set of highly interactive sales training, sales improvement workshops to ensure sustainable improved performance.

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Our 12 week sales and development programme develops the coaching and leadership skills of sales managers. At the end of our programme we guarantee that sales managers are able to drive sustainable improvement in their teams. The programme includes:

Development of a clear, meaningful sales process.

Manager assessments.

Sales Management software to provide the tools and structure to manage the sales team to peak performance.

Highly interactive, sales development training workshops to hone their skills

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For any organisation with a sales team but who do not have a dedicated sale manager. MaxSale can provide a "Virtual Sales Manager" Following on from the MaxElerator programme the MaxSale manager will run weekly, bi-weekly or monthly sales meetings using the prior month's results to identify needs and set targets for the coming period. The sales training and development programme includes:

MaxElerator programme including sales process development, software implementation and sales improvement workshops.

Regular "Sales Meetings" run by our virtual sales manager.

Sales Training, development workshops to address identified development needs.

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